Instant access to the free course!
This mini-course helps you be gentle and loving with yourself and your body. What if your body could be a place of rest? And at the same time, a source of pleasure and vibrant life energy? It’s truly possible!
1000 times thank you
"Dear Roos, I just did your free lesson… sigh… a thousand times thank you. No words for it, and so fitting for today."
Deeply moved
"I just completed the first lesson, and I want to thank you so much. What a beautiful and gentle practice. I feel deeply moved by the softness and strength I was able to experience."
Loving yourself is the most beautiful gift you can give to the world
We live in a world where, from a young age, we are confronted with unrealistic beauty standards and advertising campaigns telling us we need to be different from who we are.
The (subtle) belief many women hold is: 'If only I were a little more… (fill in the blank), then I would be loved, then I would be worthy, then I would truly belong.'
But this is not true!
Trying to be someone other than who you are only takes you further away from what you truly desire. You can love yourself exactly as you are—without needing to change a thing. This is what we practice in Sensual Yoga, and it’s something you can get a little better at every day.
And trust me, it will change your world.
Roos Severins
- Sensual Yoga
Become your own number one lover with this free mini-course!
Embodied self-love truly transforms your entire life. It empowers you to make different choices and aligns every aspect of your life with who you truly are and what you deeply desire.